Vision Resource Center

CCC┃Leadership Institute for Tomorrow (LIFT) 2024 Webinar Series

EXTERNAL REGISTRATIONThe Classified Professional Leadership and Career Advancement Series is developed and hosted by Leadership Institute for Tomorrow in collaboration with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.The four webinars are scheduled on Fridays during the noon hour 12-1 p.m.The topics are inspired and informed by classified professionals’ responses to the DEIA professional development needs assessment […]

CCC | @ONE – Exploring & Adopting OER in Online Math Courses

New to Open Educational Resources (OER) in your math courses? Join this hands-on Exploring & Adopting OER in Online Math Courses webinar to find out various openly available textbooks and other resources to adopt/adapt in your courses. We will be using different search tools to find resources to use in your math course! Registration - Note: Users […]

CCC | @ONE – Regular Substantive Interaction in Online Courses

Regular substantive interaction (RSI) is an important, yet often misunderstood, component of online learning. This webinar will review RSI definitions and regulations and share strategies that ensure courses meet these regulations. In July 2021, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) adopted RSI to ensure that online courses remain eligible for federal finance aid and differ […]

CCLC | Monthly Government Relations Webinar

Join the Community College League of California's Government Relations Team for our monthly webinars. Receive important information regarding legislation and proposals discussed in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. that will impact you, your students and your institution. ScheduleJanuary to October: Every Third Tuesday of the Month, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., RegistrationBe sure to register in advance for this […]

CCCAOE | Policy Summit

The CCCAOE Policy Summit is a two-day professional development and networking event where career education leaders will learn about the state’s legislative process, hear from experts on current trends in career technical education and workforce development, and engage directly with policymakers. CCCAOE, in partnership with W Strategies LLC, will provide hands-on training on the basics of the California Legislature, the state budget process, and […]

CCCAOE | Policy Summit

The CCCAOE Policy Summit is a two-day professional development and networking event where career education leaders will learn about the state’s legislative process, hear from experts on current trends in career technical education and workforce development, and engage directly with policymakers. CCCAOE, in partnership with W Strategies LLC, will provide hands-on training on the basics of the California Legislature, the state budget process, and […]

CCC | February Pope Tech Dashboards Overview

Join the CCC Accessibility Center as Pope Tech demonstrates how to implement and use their Canvas accessibility tools: Dashboard and Accessibility Guide. This training is appropriate for faculty, instructional support staff, Canvas Administrators, and any other California Community College employee with interest in Pope Tech’s Canvas tools. The training will provide an overview of the […]

CCC | @ONE – Harnessing the Power of Student Feedback

Building a culture of feedback in the online modality is essential for student success. Gathering this valuable information can be done in a few easy ways with some planning and execution. We will look at empowering students through self-assessments, capturing timely informal feedback and designing effective course surveys. Participants will leave the webinar with hands-on […]

CCC | @ONE – Demystifying Equitable Grading Practices: Your Comprehensive Guide

Why and how have we adopted our grading practices? Join us for this thought-provoking webinar that examines the history of traditional grading practices and asks: How did we get here? Participants will review the three pillars of equitable grading while surveying a variety of short-term and long-term practical tips and tools to make grading transparent, […]

CCC | @ONE – How to Make Documents Accessible from your Canvas Course

This session is designed to provide effective workflows for converting various documents into accessible Canvas pages, ensuring inclusivity and compliance with accessibility standards. We'll start by exploring practical methods to transform PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, and Word documents into Canvas pages. This process not only simplifies content delivery but also enhances the accessibility of course materials. […]

CCC | @ONE – Online Math Open Educational Resources (OER) & Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)

Interested in converting your Math course into a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) section? If so, join this Online Math OER & ZTC webinar to learn how to use Open Educational Resources (OER) and MyOpenMath (MOM), a free online homework management tool to convert courses into ZTC sections that will in turn  provide course materials at […]

RSCCD | Santa Ana College Statewide SLO Workshop 2024

Friday SLO Talks are weekly gatherings of higher education practitioners to discuss and learn about issues concerning equity and assessment of student learning outcomes. The Learning Outcome: Webinar participants are able to identify and evaluate the latest themes and topics regarding equity and assessment of student learning outcomes. Friday Sessions: March 1, 2024: Coordinators’ Training with […]