<p><span style=”color: rgb(255, 0, 0);”><em>Note: Users cannot register for this webinar through the Vision Resource Center. This webinar requires access/registration outside of the Vision Resource Center. If you would like to track the time you spent attending any trainings from external providers please record your time using External Training and the time will be reflected on your Learning Transcript.</em></span></p> <p>Registration Link: <span style=”color: rgb(0, 0, 255);”><u><a href=”http://www.cccco.edu” target=”_blank”>http://www.cccco.edu</u></a></span></p>
Event Registration Link: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NVV7fos5mPLlCJaspVl3RlwlK9XGd4cfjGbODYy63rF9sqdO3flqbUFG5trnsiFlqaYFeRnnLWow8cgdw26SnsyjhQBxECr3dxnW2rxkPn384jrLeICVgEVYwokd_rgK__mcFAIkVRdjFG-OJQTO0GapVoRrePNy5Tci17X6kCKYGA0cteivifnJlIxNFNVT3jC1z_YIqEEl6US5WzyqqemEwBT1Yj3o&c=E1V1zjWABh5xA0vIMWoxAoGrS1eNWx82DkDFroaQI4BXkOOZpJG7Tw==&ch=39gtSfp2FsF8XfaNCett4Uk0cPr0F3FggavvSTRHbCdZcA28TRWd_g==
Equity in Action: Praxis Sessions will showcase the work of equity practitioners. We will learn how they’re weaving knowledge and reflection into critical action.
February 9: Grading Contracts in Equity 101 & 102 – Lauren Servais
February 16: Habits of Mind in Online Learning – Scott Sandler
February 23: Equity Community Hour – Nika Hogan & Lauren Servais
March 2: Equity Audit for Tutors – Lisa Fischler
March 9: Equity Community Hour – Nika Hogan & Lauren Servais
March 16: Equity Community Hour – Nika Hogan & Lauren Servais
March 23: CalWORKS and Equity – Aarin Edwards, CalWORKS Association